Whether or not it is an ‘interlude’, as many European media say, the meeting a few hours ago between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the newly elected Donald Trump in front of reporters in the Oval Office turned a possible negotiation into a spectacle.
Continue readingTag Archives: USA
SPOTREP. The Los Angeles wildfires: an alternative perspective – Emilio Palmieri
Huge fires have been devastating Los Angeles for days. The damage is enormous. What do we know? What don’t we know? What to think?
Continue readingNew Orleans and Las Vegas Trump Hotel attacks: food for thought regarding military service and terrorist violence – by Maria Alvanou
The New Orleans and Las Vegas Trump Hotel attacks should both bring to the attention of experts the issue of war veteran’s post-traumatic stress and the connection between military service and extremist ideologies.
Continue readingSPOTREP: The New Orleans terror attack – by Emilio Palmieri
WHAT WE KNOW(SALT report) – Size. An armed individual, self-proclaimed as an ISIS-affiliated operative, wearing a military fatigue, driving a rented pick-up truck packed with explosives (meant to be a VBIED[1]).
Continue readingNew Orleans Truck Attack: How Terrorists Exploit Smart Technologies – by Eleonora Ristuccia & Alessandro Bolpagni
On January 1, 2025, former US Army soldier Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar drove a pickup truck on Bourbon Street, in the heart of New Orleans, killing 14 people and injuring 35 more. According to Lyonel Myrthil, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent, Jabbar had visited the city twice prior to the attack.
Continue readingSparatoria Abundant Life Christian School e il Manifesto di Samantha – by A. Pugnana & A. Bolpagni
Lunedì 16 dicembre 2024, la quindicenne Natalie Rupnow – conosciuta con lo pseudonimo Samantha – ha commesso una sparatoria presso la Abundant Life Christian School a Madison (Wisconsin, Stati Uniti d’America), uccidendo una compagna di scuola, un insegnante e ferendo sei ragazzi, prima di togliersi la vita.
Continue readingSPOTREP: the FBI arrest of an Afghan ISIS operative in Oklahoma City. The need for a paradigm shift in security – by Emilio Palmieri
On October 8, 2024, the Justice Department in a press release announced the arrest of an Afghan national residing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for conspiring to conduct an Election Day terrorist attack in the United States on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization (FTO).
Continue readingThe Attack Against Donald Trump: Hate Narratives, the Shooter, and Security Gaps – by Maria Chr. Alvanou
The attack against President Trump has brought to the surface once again the issue of political assassinations. The United States of America is not immune as a country to such events in its political history.
Continue readingThe Necessary Sanctification of Ryan Palmeter – By Federico Borgonovo & Silvano Rizieri Lucini
On the 26th August 2023, a new far-right terrorist attack occurred in the United States. The attacker, Ryan Palmeter drove to a supermarket in a predominantly African-American neighbourhood and then opened fire with a PSA-15 semi-automatic rifle and a Glock G20. He then committed suicide when the police arrived. Evidence of the modus operandi adopted emerged from the information gathered in open source. We identified two types of information sources:
Continue readingLaser-Nazi Propaganda– By Federico Borgonovo & Silvano R. Lucini
Versione italiana e English version.
Versione italiana – La notte di Capodanno del 2022, sull’Erasmus Bridge a Rotterdam sono stati proiettati tramite un proiettore laser portatile degli slogan suprematisti: “happy white 2023“, “white lives matter” e “black pete did nothing wrong“.
Continue reading11.9.2001: un evento mediale, cognitivo, globale – by Giacomo Buoncompagni
Il terrorismo è una strategia tipicamente cognitiva e l’attacco dell’11 settembre 2001 potremmo (ancora) definirlo un (media) event cognitivo- globale il cui obiettivo di base era ottenere, attraverso i media, il massimo risultato con uno sforzo relativamente basso all’interno della sfera pubblica. Continue reading
“Scrivere da morire”. Scrittura, libertà e violenza culturale – by Giacomo Buoncompagni
Per il sociologo Walter Ong la scrittura è uno dei media più potenti in grado di influenzare la storia delle civiltà, le relazioni e i conflitti tra gli esseri umani. È stata l’introduzione della scrittura a trasformare lo stile cognitivo e la coscienza degli uomini, producendo nuovi modelli di pensiero che hanno reso possibile l’enorme sviluppo della/e cultura/e. Continue reading