The phrase “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” has been used in the discussion for decades now regarding whether violence conducted by Palestinians against Israelis constitutes terrorism or not. Different geopolitical interests, ideological approaches, historical accounts, and even personal affiliations, in conjunction with the complexity of the Middle Eastern issue and the grievances people have been facing in this area, have led to different characterizations. Some have called them terrorism, others insurgency or resistance. And indeed, from an operational point of view, when attacks have been aiming at military targets, things can be blurred. However, there have been some true textbook cases of terrorism. Such a case has been the one of January 27th, 2023, that has led UN Spokesperson, António Guterres to state: “There is never any excuse for acts of terrorism. They must be clearly condemned and rejected by all.”[1]
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Beyond Remembrance. Traces of anti-Semitism in the current communication spaces – by Giacomo Buoncompagni
The examples of genocide or individual cases of hate crimes are rather recent episodes and mainly concern the re-emergence of attitudes of racism and xenophobia. Among the phenomena of hostility and aggression towards ‘others’, anti-Semitism is a particular phenomenon that has been growing in recent years throughout Europe. It is in fact an ancient hatred, the ‘longest’ in the history of mankind, expressed towards Jews as such (or as Jean-Paul Sartre already observed, often even in the absence of Jews), but which today takes on new faces and characters depending on the social, cultural, and political context in which we live. Especially in the period around 27 January each year, Remembrance Day, there are punctual acts of anti-Semitism, even in Italy.
Continue readingTerrorism in 2023: Unpredictability Ahead – by Sara Brzuszkiewicz
Because of terrorism’s core purpose of instilling fear, its characteristics and features are not always foreseeable. When it comes to 2023, however, we should expect it to be the most unpredictable year in recent times. Ideological patchworking and mixing, reciprocal influencing and democratization of the threat: all the major trends that might prevail in the next few months pivot around chaos and unpredictability. Continue reading
Ripensare la definizione di terrorismo – by Marco Lombardi
Il nuovo anno si avvia con alcuni eventi che ripropongono il terrorismo all’attenzione delle agenzie di sicurezza e dei media. Soprattutto, si tratta di eventi che reclamano una riflessione sulla minaccia specifica che è sempre consistente sul piano fattuale, fluida e pervasiva, ma bisognosa di una ridefinizione sul piano teorico e interpretativo. Quanto è successo in questi ultimi giorni è sotto gli occhi di tutti.
Continue readingNew Threats from Wagner PMC by – Giulia Porrino & Federico Borgonovo
On 23 November, the European Parliament adopted the resolution defining Russia as a state sponsor and user of terrorist modalities[1]. At the same venue, MEPs asked the EU Council to include the Wagner group and the 141st Motorized Regiment of Chechen fighters, also known as “Kadyrovites”, in the list of terrorist organizations of the European Union, as well as other armed militias. Continue reading
The Captagon factor – by Emilio Palmieri
Captagon is the brand name given to the synthetic-produced drug based off of fenethylline molecules. Firstly synthesised in Germany in 1961, it was introduced as milder alternative to amphetamine and methamphetamine that were employed at the time to treat narcolepsy, fatigue, behavioural disorder and minimal brain dysfunctions. It was also used in lack of drive, particularly in elderly patients due to organic diseases (like Parkinsonism) or other causes, as well as after severe illness or injury. Continue reading
11.9.2001: un evento mediale, cognitivo, globale – by Giacomo Buoncompagni
Il terrorismo è una strategia tipicamente cognitiva e l’attacco dell’11 settembre 2001 potremmo (ancora) definirlo un (media) event cognitivo- globale il cui obiettivo di base era ottenere, attraverso i media, il massimo risultato con uno sforzo relativamente basso all’interno della sfera pubblica. Continue reading
“Scrivere da morire”. Scrittura, libertà e violenza culturale – by Giacomo Buoncompagni
Per il sociologo Walter Ong la scrittura è uno dei media più potenti in grado di influenzare la storia delle civiltà, le relazioni e i conflitti tra gli esseri umani. È stata l’introduzione della scrittura a trasformare lo stile cognitivo e la coscienza degli uomini, producendo nuovi modelli di pensiero che hanno reso possibile l’enorme sviluppo della/e cultura/e. Continue reading
Social bots and synthetic interactions to stage digital extremist armies (part 2) – by Daniele M. Barone
Jihadist groups’ ability to build and maintain a large online community through social media is well known, as well as their capacity, growing out of a state of necessity or creativity, to be early adopters of new technologies. Continue reading
Crypto-jihad: noisy crowdfunding or hidden crimes? – by Daniele M. Barone
At the end of January, several local Indian news organizations reported that al-Qassam brigades (AQB), the military wing of Hamas, could be behind a cryptocurrency mobile wallet[i] hack in India.[ii] Continue reading
CounteR Newsletter
Dear Readers,
We proudly present the CounteR Project Newsletter for all those interested in combating radicalisation, violent extremism, and crime prevention! Continue reading
La comunicazione (digitale) dei talebani – by Giacomo Buoncompagni
Nel 2008 il Capo di Stato Maggiore della Difesa del Regno Unito, Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, dichiarò ai media britannici di essere già stati più volte battuti sul tempo nelle varie operazioni di informazione dai gruppi di talebani,. Continue reading