Tag Archives: Spain


Europe: knife attacks continue – by Sara Brzuszkiewicz

In one day – on January 25 – two knife attacks took place in Europe.

In Germany, a knife-wielding man – allegedly of Palestinian origin – has fatally stabbed two people and injured seven others on a train in northern Germany before being grabbed by passengers and arrested by police. The event occurred shortly before a regional train traveling from Kiel to Hamburg arrived at the Brokstedt station. While Germany has not mentioned the word terrorism yet, the case of Spain seems to be slightly clearer.

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Prima Barcellona, poi Turku, poi…? – by Burato, Giacalone, Pastorello e Spagna

Perché la Spagna? Perché Barcellona? L’interrogativo che ci si è posti sin dalle prime ore dopo l’attacco avvenuto nella capitale dalla catalogna, non può certo trovare facile risposta, specie all’indomani di un giorno durante il quale, come solitamente avviene durante una situazione critica, la confusione era elevata. Le informazioni che al solito circolano nell’immediato non fanno altro che aumentare il caos: un furgone o due? Quanti erano i terroristi? Erano o non erano asserragliati all’interno di un ristorante? L’uomo identificato per aver affittato i furgoni era stato arrestato o si era presentato spontaneamente al commissariato di Girona denunciando il furto dei documenti? Continue reading


Attacks in Spain: operational questions and answers – by Maria Alvanou

Yesterday a terror attack in Barcelona caused the tragic death of people and once more put Daesh in the spotlight. A question started to be articulated in the media: “why Barcelona?” Well, this question has a simple answer: “why not Barcelona?” Evaluating a target of a terror attack, one must think in terms of operational success. Terror operatives choose where and how to hit according to assessments that have to do mainly with access to target, magnitude of the attack and impact of the deadly actions. Continue reading