Tag Archives: Security

From Data to Division 5 of 5: Artificial intelligence – by Daniele M. Barone

The Half-Measure of Human-Grounded AI Ethics. Within the context outlined thus far, as argued by Coeckelbergh and Sætra, the debate carried on by LLMs ongoing development seems to be between two main point of view: the Marxist concept of “technological determinism” and the “technological instrumentalism” or “technical orthodoxy”.

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Sgominata cellula di al-Aqsa in Abruzzo, Israele chiede estradizione del leader – by Giovanni Giacalone

Gli arresti dei tre palestinesi a L’Aquila, membri dell’unità “Tulkarem-Risposta Rapida” delle Brigate al-Aqsa risvegliano l’attivismo del terrorismo palestinese legato all’organizzazione al-Fatah, quando tutti gli occhi erano puntati su Hamas in seguito all’eccidio perpetrato dall’organizzazione terrorista di stampo islamista lo scorso 7 ottobre nel sud d’Israele.

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War and peace in the global village. Second half – by Giacomo Buoncompagni*

Shortly after the clashes in Ukraine, the apparently silent Israeli-Palestinian conflict reignited, at least in the Western media. A few months later, more blood, death and hostages between polarised information and a desperate plea for peace. Diversity has historically been a potential source of friction and misunderstanding.

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PMC Wagner and Allied Mercenaries, Aftermath of the March by – Federico Borgonovo & Giulia Porrino

During the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, PMC Wagner exploited online and offline support of some military groups, including:

  • Española, a parallel battalion of Russian ultras led by Alexander Shum and with a special training centre near San Petersburg.
  • Rusich, a reconnaissance, sabotage and assault group, directly attached to the PMC Wagner.
  • Serb members, active since the deployment in Syria. Those are linked with several ultras’ communities.
  • Níðhöggr (Nidhogg), a little unit near to the Scandinavian right-wing militia funded by an actual Wagner member.  

All these units were orbiting around the PMC Wagner as embedded support groups. Starting from their online propaganda we theorized a pro-Wagner alliance system (figure 1).

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Earthquake in Turkey: natural disasters from a security perspective – by Maria Alvanou

The recent earthquake in Turkey has created a wave of international sympathy, with people sending help from countries all over the world. Greece, a country whose relations with Turkey have been characterized by longstanding (and recently escalating) tension, was one of the first to send help and this may better the situation between the two countries[1]. At the same time inside Turkey, everyday people but also celebrities are showing solidarity[2]. Continue reading


PMC Wagner Propaganda Ecosystem – by Giulia Porrino & Federico Borgonovo

The Wagner propaganda ecosystem is fragmented and made up of different actors that we have categorized. We identified a “top-down” propaganda architecture, composed of different materials disseminated by the leadership of the Wagner company, exploiting traditional media such as television, movies, events, and newspaper. Examples of this are the construction of the Wagner Center in St. Petersburg and movies produced by Aurum Production owned by Prigozhin.

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