Tag Archives: Jihad

Understanding Salafi-Jihadi Communication: Insights from Mujahid Mind AI – by Ali Fisher

The Nature of Salafi-Jihadi Communication: Salafi-Jihadi groups communicate based on deeply rooted theological principles. Their messaging has remained consistent over time, as evidenced by materials produced before and after major global events, such as the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq that enabled the rise of AQ.

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Time to be realistic about Swarmcast2.0 – by Ali Fisher

For all the meetings, presentations and reports from embedded academics and industry groups, purporting to show success against Salafi-Jihadi groups, the movement is still comfortably able to disseminate content through Swarmcast2.0.

The Western metanarrative has long been accepted by the orthodoxy of Terrorism Studies. However, while claims of success resonate at events hosted by industry funded bodies, the challenge encapsulated by Swarmcast2.0 remains. Salafi-Jihadi groups and the media mujahidin maintain persistent networks which function across multiple platforms simultaneously.

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Saif al-‘Adl nuovo leader di Al-Qaeda: prime considerazioni – by Sara Brzuszkiewicz

Risale a due giorni fa la conferma da parte del Dipartimento di Stato statunitense di quanto asserito poco prima dalle Nazioni Unite: Saif al-‘Adl, situato in Iran, è l’attuale leader di Al-Qaeda. Il report dell’Onu spiega che l’idea dominante proveniente dalle intelligence dei Paesi membri è proprio che sia al-‘Adl, egiziano di 62 anni, il successore di Ayman al-Zawahiri. Continue reading


Holocaust Remembrance Day attack in Jerusalem: Comments from a European security perspective – by Maria Alvanou

The phrase “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” has been used in the discussion for decades now regarding whether violence conducted by Palestinians against Israelis constitutes terrorism or not. Different geopolitical interests, ideological approaches, historical accounts, and even personal affiliations, in conjunction with the complexity of the Middle Eastern issue and the grievances people have been facing in this area, have led to different characterizations. Some have called them terrorism, others insurgency or resistance. And indeed, from an operational point of view, when attacks have been aiming at military targets, things can be blurred. However, there have been some true textbook cases of terrorism. Such a case has been the one of January 27th, 2023, that has led UN Spokesperson, António Guterres to state: “There is never any excuse for acts of terrorism.  They must be clearly condemned and rejected by all.”[1]  

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L’assassinio del deputato britannico Amess in una chiesa dell’Essex – by Tiziano Li Piani

Lo scorso Venerdì 15 Ottobre, alle ore 12 circa, il deputato Sir David Amess è stato assassinato  nella Chiesa metodista Belfairs in Leigh-on-Sea1. L’assassino è un cittadino britannico di origini somale armato di coltello e l’attacco è stato presto classificato dalla Polizia come atto di ‘terrorismo’ religioso motivato da radicalizzazione islamista. Continue reading


L’agguato ai reporter spagnoli in Burkina e la presenza jihadista nel Sahel -by. G. Giacalone

Martedì 27 aprile il Ministero degli Esteri spagnolo rendeva nota la morte dei reporter David Beriain e Roberto Fraile, uccisi in un attacco perpetrato da presunti jihadisti nel sud-est del Burkina Faso; nell’assalto rimaneva ucciso anche il cittadino irlandese Rory Young, a capo dell’organizzazione Chengeta Wildlife, molto attiva nell’anti-bracconaggio in tutto il Continente nero. Continue reading