Tag Archives: Extreme right


TERRORGRAM: Status dashboard after HARD-RESET

  1. Terrorgram status dashboard after the countermeasures implemented by Telegram, in response to the HARD-RESET publication. The dashboard is composed of 5 sections: 
  • Definition of Terrorgram and a visual insight of its main propaganda production
  • Social network analysis of the Terrorgram’s channels core (every channel is identified with a code)
  • Top domain shared inside the Terrogram 
  • Top domain shared inside the Terrogram with the timeline
  • Languages detection

TERRORGRAM: the impact on Italian far-right digital ecosystem – by Federico Borgonovo & ITSTIME (It. & Eng. Version)

Versione italiana – Tra il 26 e il 27 ottobre il ventitreenne Luigi Antonio Pennelli è stato arrestato in provincia di Bari per arruolamento con finalità di terrorismo internazionale e di propaganda ed istigazione a delinquere per motivi di discriminazione razziale etnica e religiosa. Continue reading


TERRORGRAM: from Buffalo to Bratislava – by Federico Borgonovo & Ali Fisher

Between May and October 2022, five supremacist or accelerationist attacks took place: On 14 May Payton Gendron in Buffalo (USA), on 4 July Robert E. Crimo III in Highland Park (USA), on 11 August Ricky Walter Shiffer in Cincinnati (USA), on 26 September Artyom Kazantsev in Izhevsk (Russia), on 12 October Juraj Krajčík in Bratislava (SK) and finally on 13 October Austin Thompson in Raleigh (USA). Continue reading


Anarcho-capitalism and Ethno-nationalism in the Era of Decentralized Finance – by Daniele Maria Barone

As explained by the Christchurch shooter in his manifesto, the rejection of paying taxes is defined as “a sign of racial loyalty”. From this perspective, circumventing the tax system is depicted as a way to sustain the ethno-nationalist cause: a fight for a nation which is defined in terms of assumed blood ties and ethnicity.[i] Continue reading


Attacco in Nuova Zelanda 1 – The Great Replacement: il “nuovo” estremismo transnazionale che non ti aspetti – by Marco Lombardi e Barbara Lucini

49 persone sono state uccise in in seguito a due attacchi a due moschee di Christchurch, in Nuova Zelanda commessi da Brenton Tarrant australiano di 28 anni. Nella drammaticità dell’evento quello che più interessa è il manifesto pubblicato sul profilo Twitter dell’attentatore che elenca in modo dettagliato le ragioni di tale gesto. Continue reading