Tag Archives: EU Project


CounteR – uno strumento innovativo per rilevare contenuti online radicali

Si è concluso con successo il progetto triennale CounteR, finanziato attraverso Horizon 2020, il programma di ricerca e innovazione dell’UE. Il 30 aprile 2024 segna il completamento formale del progetto CounteR – Countering radicalisation for a safer world: privacy-first situational awareness platform for violent terrorism and crime prediction, counter radicalisation and citizen protection.

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CounteR Project Newsletter’s Issue #6

CounteR Project Newsletter’s Issue #6 is now released and its full text is available here.
The spring edition marks CounteR’s successful entering into the third year of project implementation and provides insights from the fourth consortium meeting, held in Toulouse – France. In Issue #6, we continue presenting the scientific publications, authored by consortium members. Notably, ICON’s CEO Ian Castillo gives a special interview, in which he talks about CounteR’s scientific and technological advantages that contribute to making Europe a safer place.
Follow CounteR on Twitter and on LinkedIn to make sure that you stay up-to-date with exciting project updates.
The previous issues of the CounteR newsletter can be found here: Issue #5Issue #4, Issue #3, Issue #2, and Issue #1.
Thе CounteR Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101021607. 


Il diritto di accesso ai dati personali in Italia – by ChiaraFonio

Presentiamo una sintesi dei risultati di una parte della ricerca europea IRISS, dedicata all’esercizio dei diritti da parte dei cittadini. In particolare, la ricerca si proponeva, inter alia, di verificare l’effettiva capacità di accesso ai dati personali in ambiti pubblici e privati in dieci paesi europei. I risultati della nostra ricerca mettono in luce molteplici criticità nel contesto nazionale. Nel documento indichiamo delle raccomandazioni per l’implementazione di buone prassi”

IRISS-Diritto di accesso in Italia


Smart Ciber, a project co-funded by the European Union program CIPS

System of Maps Assessing Risk of Terrorism against Critical Infrastructures in Big Events Rallies.

ITSTIME is partner of Smart Ciber, a project co-funded by the European Union program CIPS, has as its goal the prevention and reduction of terrorism risks and all other risks related to the safety sector. It aims to improve the terrorist risk assessment at the expense of critical infrastructures in metropolitan areas, paying special attention to mega-events. Starting from the experiences of four European countries (Italy, Nederland, Hungary and Bulgaria), the project aims to develop a model through a software which operates in a network for an “Integrated Risk-Map Against Terrorism Issue”. This system will reveal the level of “Risk” and its location in real time through the intersection of several pre-defined risk-indicators.

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