Marco Lombardi su La Provincia di Varese: “Non mi aspetto sconti ma un salto di qualità“, 23 agosto 2014.
Tag Archives: Communication
Symbolisms of basic islamic imagery in jihadi propaganda – by Maria Alvanou
The proverb “one picture is worth a thousand words” summarizes the importance of image in the field of communication. The tragic events of September 11, the attacks on Madrid and London highlighted the importance of understanding the ideology and methods of jihadi groups. There is a lack of information on modern imagery associated with political Islam, especially imagery produced by radical and violent extreme Muslim groups. These organizations have had a brief but prolific history in the production and distribution of visual propaganda, and have arguably created their own distinct genre of Internet-based Islamic imagery. Visual propaganda is more than a host for textual messages; it is an expressive medium which communicates ideas just even more effectively than writing. Jihadi imagery is a primary vehicle for the communication and diffusion of jihadi ideas, an essential tool utilized by radical terrorist organizations. Therefore, understanding how these images work, what ideas they convey, why they are employed and what responses they may elicit, is vital to the struggle against the influence of jihadi organizations and their violence. Below are examples of basic Islamic imagery and its symbolisms……..