Tag Archives: Abu Sayyaf


The kinetic operation against the ISIL senior leader Abu Sayyaf: a case-study of “surgical strike” in theory and practice – by Emilio Palmieri


The event.

According to an arid official statement released by the US SecDef Carter dated on 16 May 2015, “Last night, at the direction of the Commander in Chief, I ordered U.S. special operations forces to conduct an operation in al-Amr in eastern Syria to capture an ISIL senior leader known as Abu Sayyaf and his wife Umm Sayyaf; Abu Sayyaf was killed during the course of the operation when he engaged U.S. forces. U.S. forces captured Umm Sayyaf, who we suspect is a member of ISIL, played an important role in ISIL’s terrorist activities, and may have been complicit in what appears to have been the enslavement of a young Yezidi woman rescued last night”. Continue reading