
Muore anche l’Università – by Marco Lombardi

Questa mattina, 17 gennaio, la drammatica consueta abitudine induce a prestare poco orecchio alle notizie che arrivano da Baghdad e che informano del consueto macello di uomini. Senonché la strage all’Università mi richiama all’ordine, ancora per una consuetudine – che tuttavia lavora in modo apposto alla prima – la quale mi lega a colleghi e studenti di un Paese lontano in guerra, Paese che studio.

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Dispositivi di Protezione Relazionale – by Davide Scotti e Vincenzo Irace

Il vigile del fuoco ha piena consapevolezza dei Sistemi di Protezione Individuale (DPI) che infatti lo proteggono in ambiente ostile, ma smessi quelli, spesso il rischio è che l’ambiente ostile rimanga all’interno del soccorritore, privo questa volta dei D.P.I. necessari alla sua tutela. Le iniziative di seguito proposte, come punto di partenza non certo di arrivo, si potrebbero considerare dei Dispositivi di Protezione Relazionale perché si impegnano a tutelare l’operatore nella sua attività di soccorso.

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The UK response to current terrorism. The financial element – by Nick Ridley and John Grieve

Since 2001 the UK law enforcement have held that it is essential not just to concentrate upon the suspects, means and motives, but  also to consider the changing nature of the target. In stark terms, Bin Laden demonstrated the advantages retained by the terrorist:

  •  the element of surprise and choice of weaponry
  • the ability to change targeting at will
  • the option of returning to a target, if a previous attack was unsuccessful
  • above all, access to individuals who are prepared to die in order to achieve their operational objectives.

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Counter- terrorism and human rights challenges: legislative efforts for security in EU countries – by Maria Alvanou

There is no greater challenge for a democracy than how to deal with terrorism. The economic, social and political upset which sophisticated terrorist action can bring, threatens the very democracy which protects our liberty. But that liberty may be also exploited in the first place by those supporting, aiding, or engaging in terrorism. The challenge, therefore, is to retain long held and hard won freedoms from the arbitrary use of power or wrongful conviction, while at the same time ensuring that democracy and the rule of law itself are not used as a cover by those who seek to overthrow them. Continue reading


Gruppo di supporto psicologico tra colleghi

“Il Vigile del Fuoco nell’espletare la sua professione ha bisogno soprattutto di conoscenze, esperienze, preparazione quotidiana; deve saper gestire sia piccoli interventi che maxi-emergenze, rapportandosi con la popolazione e con “soccorritori” e personale appartenente anche ad altri Enti.
Spesso opera in situazioni gravi che coinvolgono persone, anziani, bambini e tutti i giorni impara come affrontare la sofferenza delle vittime, dei parenti, dei colleghi; senza dover perdere il selfcontrol per non diventare vittima a sua volta.
Non per questo deve sentirsi invulnerabile ed invincibile, anzi deve imparare ad avere la consapevolezza che tutto può accadere, che gli incidenti succedono e che la realtà cambia e ci chiede adattamenti per potere mantenere la nostra integrità psicofisica e per continuare ad essere utili agli altri.”

Read the whole report: Supporto psicologico VVF


The Security system of the XX Winter Olympic Games – by Giovanni Pisapia

“The scope of this article1 is to describe the security system implemented for the XX Winter Olympic Games. More pecifically, this article analyzes the different security layers of the Olympic venues and the rules of access for people and vehicles.
The security operations here described were carried out by personnel from Italian law enforcement agencies in cooperation with TOROC staff. In this regard, this article gives a broad look at several security principles applied to the XX Winter Olympic Games and does not analyze the different roles and responsibilities of the organizations, either public and private, involved”

Read the whole paper: The Security system of the XX Winter Olympic Games


Security & Logistic in a Major Sport Event: The Vendor Certification Program (VCP) of the XX Winter Olympic Games – by Giovanni Pisapia

In the general organization of the XX Winter Olympic Games, to guarantee the security of the Olympic venues, TOROC put in place, in co-operation with Italian Law Enforcement Agencies, a security system for the delivery of goods and materials.
More specifically, all goods and materials delivered to the Olympic venues had to be security screened and sealed to confirm first of all that they were free from prohibited items and, secondly, that the integrity of the delivery was not compromised prior to their arrival at the venues.

Read the whole paper: Security & Logistic in a Major Sport Event


Tra bisogno di sicurezza e diritto alla riservatezza – by Chiara Fonio

Il recente scandalo delle intercettazioni illegali nato all’interno di Telecom, ci porta a fare  alcune considerazioni generali riguardanti il delicato rapporto tra sicurezza e nuove tecnologie. Occorre innanzitutto ricordare che il fenomeno della sorveglianza elettronica non è affatto una novità. In ambito nazionale il caso FIAT scoppiato nel 1971 aveva già messo in luce alcune pericolose tendenze derivanti da ingenti archiviazioni di dati ai danni dei dipendenti.

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“Jihadi threats” The Islamist response to the Pope’s speech – by Maria Alvanou

On May 13 1981 Mehmet Ali Agca, a Muslim of Turkish origin, attempted to assassinate the late Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square. A lot has been written regarding the reasons behind this attempted assassination that was never fully investigated. Today, 25 years after, threats for assassinating the new Pope Benedict XVI have been transmitted through Internet. On a website used by rebel movements in Iraq, a message posted by the Mujahideen’s Army announced that members of the organization would “smash the crosses in the house of the dog from Rome.” The Internet statement by the Mujahideen Shura Council, continued with the words: “We tell the worshipper of the cross that you and the West will be defeated, as is the case in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya…We shall break the cross and spill the wine….God will help Muslims to conquer Rome….God enable us to slit their throats, and make their money and descendants the bounty of the mujahideen”. The Iraqi militant group, an umbrella organization led by Iraq’s branch of al Qaeda, vowed a war against the “worshippers of the cross” in response to a recent speech by Pope Benedict on Islam that sparked anger across the Muslim world.

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