
Coordinated Terrorist Attacks in Canada? – by Angelo Raimondo

On the evening of July 22nd, 2018 a gunman identified as 29 year-old Faisal Hussein, opened fire targeting innocent civilians in a busy area known as Greektown on Danforth street in Toronto, Ontario. This incident left 13 injured and 3 dead, including the gunman. The following day, in Ottawa, a man identified as 24 year-old Jesse Mooney, was arrested on a busy Parliament Hill after an altercation with officials during the popular Changing of the Guard ceremony.   Continue reading


Rapporto Europol 2018: Verso forme multipolari di insurrezione globale? – by B. Lucini e M. Maiolino

Secondo i dati presentati dal rapporto European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE_SAT 2018)[1] nel 2017 si è verificato un totale di 207 attacchi terroristici falliti, neutralizzati o completati, dei quali 137 di natura etno-nazionalista/separatista, 33 jihadista, 24 estrema sinistra e 5 estrema destra. Continue reading


Crime-Terror nexus and Potential Jihadist’s Uses of Cryptocurrencies – by Daniele Maria Barone

This May, the analysis commissioned by the European Parliament TERR Committee[i] about terrorism financing by virtual currencies, “Virtual currencies and terrorist financing: assessing the risks and evaluating responses[ii]”, has depicted the complex nature of the actors generally involved in extremist groups’ online financing. Continue reading


Contemporary Measures to Counter the Misuse of Cryptocurrencies – by Daniele Maria Barone

As pointed out during the International Conference on terrorism financing “No Money for Terror” held in Paris the 25-26th of April 2018, which has gathered Ministers from 80 countries and nearly 500 experts, a growing number of States is criminalizing terrorism financing as a standalone offense but the number of terrorism-financing cases being successfully prosecuted by UN Member States’ judicial systems is still limited, due to the difficulty of proving the intent that the funds would be used for terrorism purposes[i]. Continue reading


Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency: modern and undetectable ways to finance terrorism – by Daniele Maria Barone

In April this year, the European Parliament’s members voted by a large majority (574 yes votes to 13 no votes, with 60 abstentions[i]), to support a December 2017 agreement with the European Council, for measures aimed to prevent the use of cryptocurrencies in terrorism financing. Continue reading


Le aree urbane e suburbane a rischio di radicalizzazione nel milanese – by Andrea Foffano

Secondo i dati raccolti dall’ORIM (Osservatorio Regionale per l’Integrazione e la Multietnicità) e contenuti nel rapporto relativo all’anno 2016, in Lombardia vivrebbero circa 10 milioni di persone. Fra questi, circa 1.314.000 risulterebbero soggetti immigrati da paesi esteri. Fra questi, gli irregolari sarebbero stimati in circa 96.000 unità. Continue reading


Daesh? Sarà forse “morto”. Ma certo è molto resiliente –  by Barbara Lucini

Il recente attentato occorso a Liegi qualche giorno fa (qui un approfondimento) rivendicato da Deash via Amaq, ma anche l’evocativo attacco con coltello sul treno in arrivo a Flensubg (Germania), riporta l’interesse per una domanda quanto mai essenziale per la sicurezza di tutti noi: quale è l’eredità di Daesh? Continue reading