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Identity and democracy in Maghreb – by Juan Ignacio Castien Maestro

A year has already gone by since the Tunisian revolution started, which has been followed by some others. Everywhere people have addressed their wrath against the scarce number of minorities that took up all power and wealth. The fact that those oligarchies were either left or right-wing, rather secular or religious, or the kind of foreign-affair politics they applied did not matter much. The anti- oligarchic inclination has been, therefore, the main feature common to all those revolutionary processes. But standing up against the oppressive power has also meant the questioning of the clientelist system on which that power was based.

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Convegno Ispi: ” La guerra al terrorismo post-Osama Bin Laden”

All’evento hanno partecipato: Andrea Carati, Associate Research Fellow, ISPI e Universita’ degli Studi di Milano; Elisa Giunchi, Associate Senior Research Fellow, ISPI e Universita’ degli Studi di Milano; Marco Lombardi, Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano; Christian Rocca, Il Sole 24 Ore.

Guarda il video del convengo: La guerra al terrorismo post-Osama Bin Laden


Convegno Ispi: “Mali: a rischio Afghanistan?”

All’evento hanno partecipato: Gian Paolo Calchi Novati, Professore Emerito di Storia dell’Africa, Università di Pavia e Senior Associate Research Fellow, ISPI; Marco Lombardi, Professore di Sociologia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano; Paolo Magri, Vice Presidente Esecutivo e Direttore, ISPI; Francesco Niccolò Moro, Research Fellow, Università degli Studi di Firenze.

Guarda il video del convegno: Mali: a rischio Afghanistan?


Dilemas de la Monarquìa Marroquì – by Juan Ignacio Castien Maestro

Al iniciarse la segunda década del siglo XXI la Corona marroquí parece contar con bastantes motivos para sentirse tranquila y satisfecha. Medio siglo después de la independencia continúa controlando el juego político y conservando la iniciativa estratégica dentro del país. No dispone de un poder ilimitado, ni puede obrar a su antojo y ha de negociar a menudo con las distintas fuerzas políticas y sociales. Pero en estas negociaciones acostumbra a hacer prevalecer sus propios objetivos, cediendo menos de lo que gana, atrayendo al otro hacia su terreno y poniéndolo a su servicio. Estos métodos le permitieron hace ya tiempo domesticar y desarbolar a los nacionalistas y a una gran parte de la izquierda y ahora se apresta a aplicarlos con los islamistas

Dowoload del paper: MonarquiaMarroqui


Costa Concordia: il vecchio da imparare – by Barbara Lucini

La nave fu una vera gioia: una grande, bella nave, fatta una trentina d’anni prima in un cantiere di Amburgo, con i camminamenti di legno, le cabine con gli oblò, un ristorante, una sala da ballo, un bar, una moschea e una chiesa; una nave insomma come usavano un tempo, una nave come una piccola città da esplorare, in cui camminare da cima a fondo, salire da un ponte a un altro, stare a un parapetto a guardare l’orizzonte o a cercare, fra i passeggeri, la faccia interessante di uno con cui si ha voglia di parlare.

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Il naufragio della Costa Concordia – by Marco Lombardi

Il naufragio della Costa Concordia è un caso di estremo interesse per chi si occupa di crisis management, soprattutto sul piano comunicativo e procedurale. La prima pagina del Corriere della Sera di oggi, lunedì 16 gennaio, indica con chiarezza l’eroe (Il Commissario di Bordo salvato con la gamba spezzata) e l’infingardo (Il Comandante scappato): questa sintesi celebra la storia secondo i canoni richiesti dall’opinione pubblica.

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“Playground explosions” in Afghanistan: The use of children in suicide attack operations – by Maria Alvanou

The news have been indeed shocking: According to the Afghan authorities, an 8-year-old girl in central Afghanistan appears to have been used for carrying a bomb wrapped in cloth that was detonated remotely when she was close to a police vehicle. It is argued by the authorities that the little girl acted in good faith and knew nothing about the deadly package she was carrying. Also the group behind the attack is still not identified. Continue reading


Responsibility on the web and freedom of academic institutions in EU Member States: a judicial precedent in Greece – by Maria Alvanou

A very important, landmark decision was taken recently by a Greek court. It can serve as an example and precedent of how courts in European countries deal with the phenomenon of criminal liability of Web Providers and hosts regarding the webpages that use their service. This is of special interest, when the webpages are considered to upload material regarded as dangerous to security and public order, a very hot topic for many European states today.

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Attacco al PRT di Herat e ad altre istituzioni cittadine – by Marco Lombardi

31 maggio 2011 – L’intensificazione delle attività ostili a RCW e nella città di Herat può essere letta anche con l’accresciuta presenza statunitense nell’area (un consolato USA è stato recentemente aperto ad Herat) e degli interessi iraniani che vertono sulla regione. Indicazioni in tal senso erano state raccolte e Herat nei mesi passati, sottolineando la possibilità di inasprimento del challenge USA – Iran nell’area di Herat.

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Gran Torino: Social and Security Implications of the XX Winter Olympic Games – by Chiara Fonio and Giovanni Pisapia

“This paper examines issues relating to the security of the XX Winter Olympic Games, which took place in Turin, Italy, from the 10th to the 26th of February 2006. In doing so it explores three crucial aspects of those Games, first, the general social context, second forms of resistance directed against the Winter Games and third the Integrated Security System (ISS) which was developed for and implemented at the sporting venues. This included installing a number of surveillance technologies that sought to address distinctive security concerns. Our aim is to emphasize not only the trend towards the securitization of mega-events at a national and international level, but to also understand some of the broader social implications of the Olympics. In the process, our work also contributes to the literature on the XX Winter Games which to date has tended to be quite thin and fragmented.”

Read the whole paper: Gran Torino