The Nature of Salafi-Jihadi Communication: Salafi-Jihadi groups communicate based on deeply rooted theological principles. Their messaging has remained consistent over time, as evidenced by materials produced before and after major global events, such as the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq that enabled the rise of AQ.
Continue readingCategory Archives: Technology
From Data to Division 5 of 5: Artificial intelligence – by Daniele M. Barone
The Half-Measure of Human-Grounded AI Ethics. Within the context outlined thus far, as argued by Coeckelbergh and Sætra, the debate carried on by LLMs ongoing development seems to be between two main point of view: the Marxist concept of “technological determinism” and the “technological instrumentalism” or “technical orthodoxy”.
Continue readingFrom Data to Division 3 of 5: Artificial intelligence – by Daniele M. Barone
A Noisy Digital Environment as a Biased Dataset. As previously analyzed, human language in public and political debates impacts not only how individuals form opinions but also how AI systems, including LLMs, interact with users and further shape political discourse.
Continue readingFrom Data to Division 2 of 5: Artificial intelligence – by Daniele M. Barone
The Human Touch in LLMs.
As previously analyzed, LLMs represent a significant step toward human-like AI interaction. While they lack true understanding, they learn to associate words and interpret meaning through data analysis.
Continue readingFrom Data to Division 1 of 5: Artificial intelligence – by Daniele M. Barone
First Article of Five – The Impact of Polarization and Digital Cacophony on AI-Generated Text – An Introduction
Continue readingVerso lo Spazio – by Beatrice Cascone
Siamo consapevoli di quanto lo spazio incida sulla nostra vita quotidiana? Cosa succederebbe se non potessimo più utilizzare i servizi di navigazione come l’app mappe all’interno dei nostri telefoni?
Continue readingTowards a more progressive approach to studying the Salafi-Jihadi movement – by Ali Fisher
The ongoing struggle against the Salafi-Jihadi movement will require reflection on multiple levels to achieve a genuinely progressive and evidence-based approach. This reflection will focus on developing an authentic understanding of:
- Their core purpose – their theology expressed in hundreds of thousands of pages of text, along with days of audio and video content.
- The strategic communication approaches which underpin their da’wa; the missionary work often referred to by Western research as recruitment or radicalization. Such understanding will include how Salafi-Jihadi groups exploit the internet for strategic communication.
Social bots and synthetic interactions to stage digital extremist armies (part 2) – by Daniele M. Barone
Jihadist groups’ ability to build and maintain a large online community through social media is well known, as well as their capacity, growing out of a state of necessity or creativity, to be early adopters of new technologies. Continue reading
Social bots and synthetic interactions to stage digital extremist armies (part 1) – by Daniele M. Barone
On June 16, the European Commission welcomed the strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation, a framework to set out commitments by platforms and industry to fight disinformation.[i] Continue reading
XIII Conferenza Nazionale sulla Cyber Warfare
Firenze – 9 giugn 2022. XIII Conferenza Nazionale sulla Cyber Warfare – Politica Interna e Politica estera nell’era cibernetica: verso la Ciberocrazia? Continue reading
Belarusian Cyber-Partisans e il Ransomware come strumento di guerra ibrida – by Marco Zaliani
Il 2022 è iniziato con un riacutizzarsi delle tensioni tra Russia e Ucraina. Tensioni iniziate nel 2014 con l’annessione della Crimea da parte della Russia e che, in questi giorni, stanno vivendo un nuovo impeto a seguito dell’ammassarsi di truppe russe proprio al confine tra i due stati. Continue reading
La guerra ibrida di Pegasus – by M. Zaliani
La non notizia in ambito di intelligence è il ruolo sempre maggiore di cyber e sorveglianza. Con le rivelazioni di Snowden si ha avuto un esempio di come gli Stati e le agenzie di intelligence possano condurre una guerra ibrida servendosi di cyber armi e cyber sorveglianza per condurre le proprie operazioni. Continue reading