Category Archives: Technology

Understanding Salafi-Jihadi Communication: Insights from Mujahid Mind AI – by Ali Fisher

The Nature of Salafi-Jihadi Communication: Salafi-Jihadi groups communicate based on deeply rooted theological principles. Their messaging has remained consistent over time, as evidenced by materials produced before and after major global events, such as the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq that enabled the rise of AQ.

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From Data to Division 5 of 5: Artificial intelligence – by Daniele M. Barone

The Half-Measure of Human-Grounded AI Ethics. Within the context outlined thus far, as argued by Coeckelbergh and Sætra, the debate carried on by LLMs ongoing development seems to be between two main point of view: the Marxist concept of “technological determinism” and the “technological instrumentalism” or “technical orthodoxy”.

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Towards a more progressive approach to studying the Salafi-Jihadi movement – by Ali Fisher

The ongoing struggle against the Salafi-Jihadi movement will require reflection on multiple levels to achieve a genuinely progressive and evidence-based approach. This reflection will focus on developing an authentic understanding of:

  • Their core purpose – their theology expressed in hundreds of thousands of pages of text, along with days of audio and video content.
  • The strategic communication approaches which underpin their da’wa; the missionary work often referred to by Western research as recruitment or radicalization. Such understanding will include how Salafi-Jihadi groups exploit the internet for strategic communication.
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Belarusian Cyber-Partisans e il Ransomware come strumento di guerra ibrida – by Marco Zaliani

Il 2022 è iniziato con un riacutizzarsi delle tensioni tra Russia e Ucraina. Tensioni iniziate nel 2014 con l’annessione della Crimea da parte della Russia e che, in questi giorni, stanno vivendo un nuovo impeto a seguito dell’ammassarsi di truppe russe proprio al confine tra i due stati. Continue reading