Category Archives: Technology


Towards a more progressive approach to studying the Salafi-Jihadi movement – by Ali Fisher

The ongoing struggle against the Salafi-Jihadi movement will require reflection on multiple levels to achieve a genuinely progressive and evidence-based approach. This reflection will focus on developing an authentic understanding of:

  • Their core purpose – their theology expressed in hundreds of thousands of pages of text, along with days of audio and video content.
  • The strategic communication approaches which underpin their da’wa; the missionary work often referred to by Western research as recruitment or radicalization. Such understanding will include how Salafi-Jihadi groups exploit the internet for strategic communication.
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Belarusian Cyber-Partisans e il Ransomware come strumento di guerra ibrida – by Marco Zaliani

Il 2022 è iniziato con un riacutizzarsi delle tensioni tra Russia e Ucraina. Tensioni iniziate nel 2014 con l’annessione della Crimea da parte della Russia e che, in questi giorni, stanno vivendo un nuovo impeto a seguito dell’ammassarsi di truppe russe proprio al confine tra i due stati. Continue reading