Category Archives: Security


US multiagency operation dismantled part of al-Qaeda’s cryptocurrency network. What we learned so far and what to expect – by Daniele M. Barone

On August 13, the US Department of Justice announced that the US government, through a multiagency effort, seized about $2 million in Bitcoin from accounts connected to Al Qaeda, Daesh, and the al-Qassam Brigades (i.e. Hamas’s paramilitary arm) and disrupted their terrorism financing cryptocurrency networks. Continue reading


La negoziazione operativa in contesti di crisi – by Giacomo Buoncompagni

Il 12 agosto 2020 un uomo è stato arrestato nel Duomo di Milano dopo aver preso in ostaggio una guardia giurata sotto minaccia di un coltello. Stando a quanto comunicato dalla Polizia, l’arrestato è un cittadino straniero.Dopo un’opera di mediazione di un funzionario della Questura, il soggetto è stato disarmato e bloccato, senza necessità di ricorrere all’uso di armi da fuoco. Al momento sono in corso accertamenti sulla persona e sulle motivazioni del gesto. Continue reading


A Brief Review of the Current Public Safety Homicide Crisis in Major US Cities – by Giovanni Pisapia

Some major US cities have recorded staggering increases in homicides in the first six months of 2020, if compared with the same period in 2019: some increases range from 25% (Philadelphia) to 85% (Minneapolis). This trend is bringing to light a public safety crisis, revealed by a long-term increase in the number of gang-related recorded shootings and reduction of proactive-policing. Continue reading


Hagia Sophia: Security aspects and repercussions – by Maria Chr. Alvanou 

While the international discussion about the reasons Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan decided to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque is mostly about his political domestic strategy (e.g. rallying his followers, making up for a collapsing economy etc), there are also significant security issues to be taken into account. Continue reading


U.S. riots and police brutality: responding to a homeland security threat – by Maria Chr. Alvanou

Throughout the U.S. there is turmoil due to the death of George Floyd, attributed to the murderous act of a police officer, already arrested and charged. Reactions have ranged from peaceful demonstrations to serious riots in several cities. Events like burning down police stations and vehicles, as well as vandalisms, looting, clashes with law enforcement, etc have created the background for violence connected with further loss of lives. Continue reading


COVID-19. SARS-Co-V–2: vita quotidiana – by Federico Lunardi

Prima togliere anelli e orologio, lavare le mani, vestire i calzari (un paio basta ma due è meglio), indossare primo paio di guanti, vestire camice o, meglio, tuta di materiale particolare, se possibile bucare a livello del pollice in modo da agganciare la tuta, indossare la maschera (FFP3), vestire camice monouso e mascherina chirurgica, occhiali o copri occhi, secondo paio di guanti. Continue reading