All posts by Marco Lombardi


Islamic State Blitzkrieg Propaganda – by F. Borgonovo, G. Porrino & S.R. Lucini

The recent Hamas attack has brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back into the international spotlight, and this has awakened the communication of the main jihadist groups. With al-Qa’ida supporting Hamas and its actions, a statement on the attack by the Islamic State was expected. On 20th October, through the publication of the 413th issue of al-Naba, an official newspaper issued by the Central Media Office of the Islamic State, IS expressed its position.

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Il cambio di strategia di Hamas verso il jihad globale -by Giovanni Giacalone

L’eccidio di civili perpetrato da Hamas lo scorso 7 ottobre ha sconvolto l’opinione pubblica e la comunità internazionale, infiammando nuovamente l’eterna questione israelo-palestinese e riportando al centro dell’attenzione mediatica e politica il problema del terrorismo di matrice islamista, messo nel dimenticatoio dall’emergenza Covid e dalla guerra in Ucraina. In molti hanno commesso l’errore di credere che il problema del jihad globale fosse sparito dopo la disfatta territoriale dell’ISIS nel Siraq (che non implica però una sua sconfitta), ma la realtà è ben diversa.

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War and peace in the global village. Second half – by Giacomo Buoncompagni*

Shortly after the clashes in Ukraine, the apparently silent Israeli-Palestinian conflict reignited, at least in the Western media. A few months later, more blood, death and hostages between polarised information and a desperate plea for peace. Diversity has historically been a potential source of friction and misunderstanding.

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Effetto Hamas: l’attacco a Israele e la nuova utopia radicale – by Sara Brzuszkiewicz

Nuovi allarmi bomba nelle scuole francesi, a tre anni di distanza dalla decapitazione di Samuel Paty, il professore che il 16 ottobre 2020 venne ucciso da Abdoullakh Abouyezidovich Anzorov, diciottenne ceceno rifugiato in Francia, dopo una campagna online contro il docente, colpevole di aver mostrato alcune vignette di Charlie Hebdo ritraenti il profeta Muhammad.

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Hamas attack in Israel: European security perspectives – by Maria Chr. Alvanou

As the world is watching Hamas attacking Israel in an unprecedent violent terrorist campaign within its borders, it is important to understand that the situation is also a security crisis from a European perspective. The following points show why Hamas actions are dangerous for European security and parameters that need attention in order to prevent and manage the threat created:

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Gang o aggruppamenti predatori urbani? – by Giovanni Giacalone

Cosa c’è dietro il fenomeno delle violente aggressioni a scopo di rapina che sta caratterizzando i grandi centri urbani italiani. Negli ultimi mesi si è parlato molto di aggressioni a scopo di rapina, spesso in pieno giorno e in zone centrali delle grandi aree metropolitane italiane e messe in atto da gang e dalle cosiddette “baby-gang”, termine quest’ultimo che come vedremo risulta quanto meno inappropriato se non errato.

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The Necessary Sanctification of Ryan Palmeter – By Federico Borgonovo & Silvano Rizieri Lucini

On the 26th August 2023, a new far-right terrorist attack occurred in the United States. The attacker, Ryan Palmeter drove to a supermarket in a predominantly African-American neighbourhood and then opened fire with a PSA-15 semi-automatic rifle and a Glock G20. He then committed suicide when the police arrived.  Evidence of the modus operandi adopted emerged from the information gathered in open source. We identified two types of information sources:

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Wagner Digital Ecosystem: what happens after Prigozhin’s Death – By Federico Borgonovo & Giulia Porrino

After the March of Justice, announced on June 23, the evolution of the relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and PMC Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin was discussed at length. On August 23, exactly two months later, one of the private jets on which Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin, considered his right hand, were traveling crashed en route between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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