All posts by Marco Lombardi


Europol – Internet Organized Cyber Crime Threat Assessment 2018: new trends in the obscure sides of FinTech – by Daniele Maria Barone

The latest report of Europol on Internet Organized Cyber Crime (IOCTA 2018)[i] stresses, among other issues, the weak points that modern financial tools and a lack of either an up-to-date legal framework or cooperation among institutions and the private sector, brings to the cybercrime field. Continue reading


Event Safety and Security Risk Update: Stampedes, or Crowd Surge/Rush – By Peter Ashwin and Giovanni Pisapia

Panic and confusion erupted in Central Park on Saturday night (the 29th September 2018), after a loud noise frightened concertgoers at the Global Citizen Festival, with some people erroneously attributing the sound to gunshots. Witnesses described a near-stampede in some places, as people sprinted for cover, jumped fences and trampled one another. Some were in tears and called their loved ones, and others said they had lost items or gotten separated from their friends, according to social medial. But the police quickly refuted reports of a shooting, saying at first that the noise was from a fallen barrier, not gunshots” (Sarah Mervosh, 2018). Continue reading


Terrorist attack first aid training for citizen: part of a well-rounded counter-terrorism strategy – by Maria Alvanou

UK newspaper ‘Independent’ has revealed in an exclusive article a UK program designed to give people knowledge on how to provide first aid to victims of terror operations[1]. The need for such a program was already a topic for discussion in the British society[2] and even the British Red Cross had issued some guidelines for citizens prior, during and after a terrorist attack[3]. Continue reading


9/11 remembrance: research reflections for security – by Maria Alvanou

The first years after the 9/11 attack were used to wage war against Al Qaeda in what seemed to be a US affair. Soon it became evident that Europe was also under threat and while european countries never adopted a direct, clear military approach to countering terrorism, they did take measures and adopted polices that challenged longstanding principles of human rights and liberties. Continue reading


Cyber Jihad and Terrorism Financing: New Methods – Old Rules – by Daniele Maria Barone

On July this year, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) published a report addressed to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Banks Governors, summarizing the latest development in anti-money laundering (AML) and terrorism financing (TF) and drawing a short term work program in these fields[i]. Continue reading


Verso un nuovo Stato Islamico? La recente riorganizzazione del “califfato” in tre direttrici – by Daniele Plebani

Alcune iniziative messe in atto da Stato Islamico nelle ultime settimane potrebbero indicare l’alba di una nuova fase per il gruppo terroristico. Tre episodi in particolare sembrano suggerire una riorganizzazione generale in atto nel “califfato”: Continue reading


Gli scontri di viale Jenner e la Fitna islamica nel milanese – by Giovanni Giacalone

Venerdì scorso 3 agosto, durante la Jumma (preghiera tradizionale del venerdì accompagnata da sermone) presso l’area dell’ex Palasharp di Milano sono emerse forti incomprensioni che hanno portato a duri scontri verbali tra i fedeli della corrente legata al direttivo salafita del Centro Culturale Islamico di viale Jenner 50 e un gruppo di “dissidenti” legati all’imam egiziano Elnadi Abdelghani Im Elbeltagi, licenziato dai vertici di viale Jenner con l’accusa di aver cercato di sostituirsi al direttivo. Continue reading


3D printed guns: From “state to art” to “diy” terrorist and criminal mentality – by Maria Alvanou

In 2015, Hong Kong authorities arrested members of a terrorist group planning to attack the city. The big news was that they allegedly tried to modify airsoft guns with a 3D printer[1]. Today, of the most circulating news regards the ban by an american federal judge on sharing gun blue prints on the web[2]. Continue reading