All posts by Marco Lombardi


Terror in Vienna: a risk assessment perspective – by Jörg Peschak

On the night before the second lockdown on November 2nd, 2020 at 8 pm, Austria’s capital was hit by a terrorist attack. On the macrolevel, it is the latest of a series of events that began in France with the republication of the caricatures of Charly Hebdo followed by the beheading of a teacher for showing the caricatures and an attack on people at the cathedral in Nice. Now the scene moved to Vienna. But why Austria? Could it have been prevented? Continue reading


Terrorismo islamista: Francia sotto pressione – by G. Giacalone, M. Lombardi, M. Maiolino

La linea del tempo

La barbara uccisione del docente di educazione civica, Samuel Paty, mostra una serie di fattori dei quali non si può non tener conto se si vuole andare oltre cronache e sensazionalismi per capire in che direzione si sta evolvendo il terrorismo di stampo islamista in Europa e in particolare in Francia. Continue reading