All posts by Marco Lombardi


Hagia Sophia: Security aspects and repercussions – by Maria Chr. Alvanou 

While the international discussion about the reasons Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan decided to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque is mostly about his political domestic strategy (e.g. rallying his followers, making up for a collapsing economy etc), there are also significant security issues to be taken into account. Continue reading


Three generations of jihadist preachers in Italy compared – by Alessandro Boncio

Introduction. The period of jihadi terrorism that Western countries are experiencing currently, could be labelled as a moment of reshaping and transformation. Following the collapse of its Syrian-Iraqi creature, ISIS is repositioning itself physically and ideologically; at the same time, al-Qa’ida linked groups are constantly strengthening its files and ranks, still strong of its cultural appeal[2]. Continue reading


U.S. riots and police brutality: responding to a homeland security threat – by Maria Chr. Alvanou

Throughout the U.S. there is turmoil due to the death of George Floyd, attributed to the murderous act of a police officer, already arrested and charged. Reactions have ranged from peaceful demonstrations to serious riots in several cities. Events like burning down police stations and vehicles, as well as vandalisms, looting, clashes with law enforcement, etc have created the background for violence connected with further loss of lives. Continue reading


COVID-19. SARS-Co-V–2: vita quotidiana – by Federico Lunardi

Prima togliere anelli e orologio, lavare le mani, vestire i calzari (un paio basta ma due è meglio), indossare primo paio di guanti, vestire camice o, meglio, tuta di materiale particolare, se possibile bucare a livello del pollice in modo da agganciare la tuta, indossare la maschera (FFP3), vestire camice monouso e mascherina chirurgica, occhiali o copri occhi, secondo paio di guanti. Continue reading


Salafi Army of the Nation in Jerusalem Call for Bitcoin to “Equip a Fighter” in Gaza – by Daniele M. Barone

On May 7, for the third consecutive year, a renewed bitcoin crowdfunding campaign surfaced on al-Raya foundation’s Telegram channel, the media outlet of the Salafi Army of the Nation in Jerusalem, a pro-al Qaeda jihadist organization operating in the Gaza Strip.[i] Continue reading